Before you commit substantial effort and transaction costs, how do you and your board quickly and cost effectively obtain an independent and unbiased commercial evaluation of the acquisition candidate?
For a fraction of the cost of a full due diligence exercise, Intellix will investigate the subject company and in a manner that is thorough and informing to you, and at the same time non-threatening to the subject, and provide a ‘board ready’ report outlining our findings.
Commercial Intelligence goes beyond financial analysis to understanding all relevant commercial elements of an organisation and providing a 360° view of the organisation and its prospects.
We have an economical transparent fixed fee pricing structure, and our Commercial Intelligence in the form of an M&A Threshold Due Diligence service will allow you to:
- Receive an independent and unbiased evaluation
- Quickly understand the target business operations, finances and prospects
- Inform the price discussion and meet your price objectives
- Manage the time-frame of the acquisition
- Reduce your risk through identifying liabilities and ‘skeletons’
- Reduce management distraction so you can focus on your core business
- Report back to your senior management or board
Intellix will give you a ‘look under the hood’ before you commit, leading to better deal terms and a better price.
Check our fixed pricing here or contact us here for more information.