Our Services - Intellix
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Our Services

Investor Due Diligence

With core expertise in investigation, analysis, and evaluation we help you find the balance between protecting your assets and growing them. Let Intellix take a ‘look under the hood’ for you.

M&A Threshold Due Diligence

Fast, economical review of the subject company providing a concise ‘board-ready’ report that reduces your transaction costs and puts you in the driver’s seat as you negotiate your deal.

ASX Listing Program

Focused firmly on program execution, Intellix is a resource you can engage so you can control the listing process and retain the initiative, avoid surprises and deal with impediments, achieve a more successful outcome and realise greater value.

Investor Ready Program

Because there’s a difference between recognising a need for capital and being ready to pursue it. You get one chance to make a first impression, and we can help you put your best foot forward.

Director Due Diligence

Protect your reputation, lower your risk of personal liability and reduce your unease at accepting a board position by unearthing information not be otherwise apparent.

On-Call CFO / Commercial Manager

Execute your commercial priorities, prepare for tomorrow’s challenges, maintain an extra pair of hands to make things happen and get things done.  Grow faster, get back on track and fix problems.