Being Investor Ready AND Investment Ready
There is an amount of confusion in the marketplace about the definition of the term 'Investor Ready' and as a leading authority we thought we should provide a view. At Intellix...
There is an amount of confusion in the marketplace about the definition of the term 'Investor Ready' and as a leading authority we thought we should provide a view. At Intellix...
Being Investor Ready means being fully prepared to seek out investment capital or attract a suitable buyer for their business. Raising investment capital or selling a business is a high stakes...
Businesses who are not Investment Ready fare poorly in obtaining funding because they are asking the investor to fund something that has little or no possibility of a return for...
Investing in privately held companies is inherently risky, but done well it is also a rewarding exercise. It is common knowledge that once a suitable investment candidates are found, conducting due...
Investors continue to receive many investment proposals containing business ideas that have intuitive merit, yet the proposal cannot be invested in because either the business is not Investment Ready, or...
In addition to the pure financial costs associated with M&A due diligence, there are other potentially more significant costs that are often overlooked. Traditionally, M&A due diligence has been conducted well...
With each passage of time, accepting a position as a non-executive director of an organisation in Australia becomes increasingly more perilous. The regulatory regime has become more onerous on companies, but...
Many businesses with high growth aspirations seek to raise debt or equity capital, list on a reputable stock exchange, or eventually effect a trade sale. In most cases, it is...