About Intellix - Intellix
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About Intellix

Our History

For more than a decade we have been getting businesses on track, keeping them on track, and helping those making investment decisions to be better-informed, avoid surprises, and secure a better deal.

Our Profile

As a small boutique firm with offices in Sydney and Brisbane (Melbourne serviced also), we pride ourselves on our responsiveness and speed of execution. We couple this with a transparent fixed price fee structure.

Our Clients

Clients who embrace Commercial Intelligence from Intellix include Investors & Financiers; Directors & CEO’s; and Business Owners & Entrepreneurs. Most of our clients are repeat customers, and happy to recommend us.

Our Impact

We diminish feelings of unease and anxiety arising from risky commercial activity because our clients are supported with ideas, expertise, information and research. Our clients experience better returns and less financial loss.

Our Services

Services are designed to ensure you are not over-sold on the merits of a commercial course of action, to shift information asymmetry to your advantage, and avoiding a sub-optimal result or failure.

Our Values

Inspire Trust. Instil Confidence.